I do trust Him, but am I willing to trust Him for everything? My friend said something to me yesterday that challenged me,
"Dare to trust God." Wow....dare to trust God? I had to ask myself, "Do I really have enough faith to trust that He'll come through?" I was listening to a message the other day and this man was missionary in China, he didn't have a job, and no one knew where he was or how to get a hold of him. He trusted God for every need. They needed food to feed their children. They had nothing. They had no prospects. They're only hope was in God. They had to trust that God would pull through, and they did. A year earlier, a man that they had never met, sent them a check, and it took a whole year to arrive at the missionary's home; and it arrived at just the moment they needed it. God pulled through.
So, back to the question......Will I trust God? Instantly my head screams, "Yes!" But then my heart says, " I don't know." When it comes to the moment where I need to decide will I? Will I be faithful to Him? When I have something that I really don't want to do, but I know I need to, will I make the right choice, and believe that God will turn it out for good, even though I can't see it? It seems like in those times my head screams, "No! Lord I want to do my own thing!" But, my heart is crying, "Jesus, SAVE ME!!!" I guess it's a choice. Everyday I have to make the choice to yield to my Lord.
So all this was going on in my head yesterday, and then three hours later I received an email, saying my friends blog had been updated. So I went to read it....and God spoke to me, and gave me just what I needed. She wrote this:
"...I wrote that life with Jesus was worth it because no matter what you go through, you have a loving, supportive, kind, never-judging, always ready with hugs, charming, strong, wonderful God on your side. One who will never put you down, never discourage you, never stomp on you, never leave you, reject you, or stab you in the back. One who makes everything worthwhile. At the very minimum.
Then I added that, although I’m sure there are some good ways to help grow her self-control and perseverance, praying for it, asking for God’s strength, was the best way to keep on His path.

After I had hit the “enter” button, I sat and read what I’d written. It hit home.
So often we have God’s answers inside of us, we already know what we’re searching for. We just forget.
I didn’t know that I needed that wisdom, that I needed that push, that I needed that “aha!” moment. But Oh, friends, I did. I needed to know why it was worth it, when it can be so hard; I needed to know how He will help me, when I feel like I’m so on my own; I needed to be reminded that I am not doing this in my own strength – not at all, for Jesus is the Strong in strength, the Power in powerful, the Holder of Power- who can fight my fight, win my battels, and comfort me in the heat of battle.
And all I have to do, and it really is simple, actually – is to ask for it. To pray for strength, help, power. To ask for wisdom, knowledge, – not the “why” or even the “how”, but to re-grab hold of the “because”. Because of Him.
As someone I know said recently, quoting 1 thessalonians 5:24: EVERY command from God comes with HIS equipping to fulfill it!"
"The One who calls you is faithful!"
So, can I trust Him?
I know I can.
He is faithful!