Yesterday was my 16th birthday, and the only reason why I'm writing about is because I was SO extremely blessed!! Like really, my family and friends made me feel so special and loved - I was overwhelmed at the goodness of God in my life in placing in my life so many incredible people!
I woke up yesterday, to my family walking in my bedroom singing "Happy Birthday," then they donned on my head a "Happy Birthday" tiara and gave me a balloon. :P My mom told me that they were taking me out for coffee! (they know me well) So, a few minutes later, my family and I were sitting in the Espresso Cabin, sipping on our java treats and danish rolls. It was a sweet times of just enjoying each others company. Oh, before we went in, I said, "please, don't sing happy birthday to me, please!" we walked in, and a friend of ours was working....needless to say, my mom told her it was my bday, and so Marylin began singing and then everyone else joined in, (including the old men's group in the other room, :P) Then, I had to go to wok, but it was ok, cause on the way home my boss and I got free ice cream! =)
I was greeted by two gifts on the table, when I walked into the kitchen. One was a bath set: bath cream, body wash, etc, and the other was a journal. So, then I proceeded to take a long, warm bath (with my new bath stuff)....but first, I checked my email, and I received some really nice bday emails, even from some of my brother's friends in Taiwan! =) After my bath, I spent some time in my room, reflecting on God's undeserved goodness in my life! I was overwhelmed by my Jesus' love for me, my family's love for me, and the thoughtfulness of my sweet friends!
In the middles of my reflecting, my mom came in with a package from some of my awesome friends in Pennsylvania! I was giddy with excitement! they filled the box with little crocheted headbands and bracelets, flowers for my hair, glow sticks, button earrings and ANIMAL CRACKERS!!!!!!!!!! (I LOVE animals crackers)
"..brown paper packages tied up with string...these are a few of my favorite things!"
I finished packing for camp (can't wait!!), while watching a season of
Christy; played my new piano music,
Awaken the Dawn, (they are gorgeous songs, btw); read more of
Quest for Love, and by the time I was done with was dinner time.
While sitting around our big picnic table, eating Spanish Rice (yum!), my mom had each of my family share a special memory of me, with me. I almost cried. I really think I have
the best family in the whole wide world! (and you can't debate me, cause it's my birthday.) :P was time for the presents. Now, I was totally fine waiting all day to open my gifts, but Charlie and Anna had been asking my mom all day, "Can she open her presents now?! please?!"
They were more excited about it than me, which just makes things more fun. =) So, we went into our living room, and my mom placed in front of me a big box.
(the big box) |
Well, in that big box there were sixteen presents, (actually there was only, thirteen cause the other three had yet to come in the mail) anyway.....that was fun - opening a box full of little boxes!
For a few weeks, I had been hinting, well not hinting, outright telling my family that I wanted the movie,
Tangled for my bday, because it is my all-time favorite movie! Yesterday, Anna said a couple times, "I can't wait to give you your gift! You've wanted it for so long!!" and then she'd just smile really big...all the while, I could not think of what I had wanted for a long time......then I opened my present from her and remembered. :D
Shane gave me a little box, with money inside, and a piece of paper that read, "press button for card." what was so funny, is that there was no way a card could have fit in that tiny box, but I pressed it anyways and Shane stood up and read me my bday card from him. It was a poem that he had written about me wanting a new mandolin, (hence the money). It was awesome and so thoughtful! I loved it! :D

Next, I opened this tin box - it was filled with birthday cards!! from friends, and family....whether close or acquaintances, my mom had told people that it was my birthday, and they responded by sending me lots of letters!! (how I love mail!) I really enjoyed reading through all of those.... to all of you who sent me a birthday card (or package):
THANK YOU!! Your thoughtfulness and encouraging words blessed me more than you know!
Then we finished off the lil' party with ice cream cake, and a rousing game of Imaginiff! It truly was a wonderful, amazing, fun, happy, awesome sweet sixteenth birthday!! :D :D :D
but it didn't end there.....=)
this morning my mom came to me, (again) her arms full of mail! I received more packages and more letters! { :') <happy tear }
Wow....I have never felt more special, loved and blessed in my life! Thank you Jesus, for giving me so many wonderful people! I pray that this year would be filled with many sweet times with You and that the rest of my years would (somehow) be worthy of Your suffering.
I love you all!!
bailey (the sixteen year old) =)