Yes, I had an incredible weekend! Truly, it was filled with SO many fun memories - times that I don't ever want to forget - with many old/new friends; and answers to prayer (good weather), great messages, hours of volleyball (awesome memories) and ultimate went by way too fast!! :'( But, I head this quote a couple years ago, and it really challenged me, so I shall share it with you. "Do not look back on happiness of dream of it in the future, you are only sure of today, do not let yourself be cheated of it." I think I am the biggest culprit when it comes to looking back on happiness, however I do think that there are times when it is OK. Therefore, I will tell bits and pieces of my incredible, sit back and imagine that you're in small town Wisconsin.....
Friday started out with little random jobs that needed to be done, like filling water balloons (which, may sound fun, but it is quite time-consuming!). So, I went over to the big, carnival tent thing, and filled up water balloons while I hung out with some munchkins and waited for people to arrive.......I'll not bore you with details, so I'll skip to the exciting parts.....(the most you need to know is that one of my really awesome friends came and we had a BLAST catching up and laughing that night.)
Saturday began with Dr. Larrie Guthrie sharing a message about Christ being the Good Shepherd. He is an amazing speaker by the way -so captivating!! Then all the activities began. I had to help in the Old Time Photo Booth, which means I had to help dress people in old fashioned clothes. It was enjoyable. The rest of the day included volleyball, ultimate Frisbee and water balloons and a bluegrass concert!! :D
The Dorucher family came and played their bluegrass instruments for us and they are incredible!! They shine with the light and joy of Jesus and constantly have smiles on their faces! Well, at midnight my sister came running up to me screaming, "Bailey! Bailey! the Durochers are coming for pizza cause they haven't had supper yet!!" and then she ran off. Not five minutes later, their huge RV came up the driveway and 10+ people came piling out of the vehicle and into the kitchen. We stayed up late (or early) that night, sharing stories, laughing and eating. And later we came to find out that we go to the same camp! and we'll be going to same week. So, I'll get to be counselors with all of them. I am so excited!!! :D D
Sunday was also an incredible day, but the best thing happened when my brother surprised us by inviting up a friend from Ellerslie that we hadn't seen in over six months! It was the best surprise ever!!! :D :D We had a ball introducing her to all our friends and laughing over good times, and hugging, and staying up late, and laughing some more......(Sarah, we miss you!!!)
Earlier that night, we played vball and it was one of the most hilarious nights of my of those times where you had to be there.
Then Monday finished up with a memorial service, and a challenging message, more vball, :P, taking down the tent and going on a walk with some of my favorite girlies!!
It was so sad when everyone had to leave, but I'm so thankful that God gave us memory so we can re-live those precious moments!! (sorry that this post had little detail. Those of you who weren't there, use your imagination. And those of you who were, our memories live on as I continue to laugh with you!!)
And now....tomorrow my dad and I are road-tripping to Colorado!! :D :D Hopefully more memories to come!
(here are some pics. enjoy!)
rosey tomato and skinny cow
(don't ask - long story = good memories) |
yes! we fit us all in....well, most of us. |
the durocher family |
the family Olympics - "Papa Loon" race |
spaghetti noodles in hair - very fun |
all the moms had to find their families while everyone was screaming "Mom!" (haha) |
she had to suck the pudding through the nylon - go Jessika! |
they just had to get a pic with Batman! =) |
Sarah and Charlie are the best buds! *so cute* |
Anna, MamaO, Sarah and Bailz | |
my awesome girlies |
(haha!) Charlie and Hannah |
Skinny Cow and Rosey Tomato again :P |
me and this most-darling girl, ever! |
we went on a walk and the mud kept kicking up on our pants..
it was rather annoyingg. :P |
Cherishing the memories,
bailey =)
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