Wednesday, April 27, 2011

{the woman I want to be}

"Let us choose together the ideal woman….
First, she must be pure and noble. A truly ideal woman must not be one who is silly or frivolous, nor shall she be guilty of actions that appear vulgar or unfeminine.  She must be sweet-voiced and gentle.  How a loud, boisterous woman jars on one’s feelings! She must always have a kind word for all.  I cannot think of an ideal woman as one who might unjustly criticize me to my back.  Her clothing must be modest and becoming – how could an ideal woman wear anything that would cause those looking on her to be offended or astonished.  Her person must not be overly adorned with ornaments, but rather she must be known for the beauty of her character.  Her face may be pretty or it may not be, but that is of no real importance at all.  She must be a good housewife and a good mother, if God so calls her to marriage and blesses her with children.  She must be loving, tender-hearted, and sympathetic.  She must be the kind of woman to whom you would not be afraid to whom you would not be afraid to tell your troubles.  She must be true-hearted and loyal in friendship, never breaking faith.  She must be a Christian, serving God with all her heart.  If every girl would set up such a pattern for her ideal, how different many lives would be!"
 Beautiful Girlhood, pg74-75

(O Lord, shape me into this kind of woman!) 

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