Monday, October 18, 2010

Practicing Thankfulness

One of my blogging friends often writes on her blog, things that she is grateful for.  I am always blessed by her attitude of gratitude and decided that I want to do the same thing - list the things that I am grateful for today.  So today I start something new.... =) 

Today I am thankful for:

a warm cup of coffee in the afternoon

the peace God gives when I cast my cares upon Him

the vibrant colors of the trees, and soft petals of roses

friends that seek Christ 

a pastor that is not politically correct, and anointed by God

a coffee shop less than a mile away :P 

God's unfailing goodness to me 

the majesty and beauty of the mountains

my camera

my parents, that want to teach me to love Christ with ALL my heart

God is good!


  1. Oh Bailey - I love these! So beautiful! There is so much good given to us from God, isn't there?!

  2. Yes Reeve! Thanks for the example! HE is SO GOOD beyond what I can even imagine!!

  3. you guys are so lucky but i am happy for you:)
    i miss you:(
