I am here to tell you about the newest addition to the Wilderness staff family -
Naomi Dawn Hopkins. She was born in the beginning of December (I'm sorry I don't know the date) , so I think she's like six weeks old.....? Anyways, John and Jual came over with little Naomi, yesterday morning, and our family got to watch her for a little bit. It was so much fun! At first we all took turns holding her while she was sleeping. Then once we held her Jual fed her, then left her with us for a bit. We sat her on the table, in her little carrier, and rocked her back and forth while talking baby-gibberish to her. (so fun!) Anna eventually got her to smile a couple times - oh! SO precious! Then we continued arguing (a good arguing) about who got to hold her next...and so on..... We had such a sweet time with little Naomi.
And I am thoroughly convinced that my mom should either have another baby, or we adopt one, because I want one of those cute, buggars around!
And I am thoroughly convinced that my mom should either have another baby, or we adopt one, because I want one of those cute, buggars around!
So, without further ado: Naomi =)

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger." Psalm 8:1-2
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