Sunday, January 23, 2011

On a Quite, Snowy Evening........

I'm working on my "30 Steps of Something."  

 Step 10) Share something you're afraid of

(The reason of this post is so that you, (readers) can get to know me a little better.  And I don't like sharing just one thing, so I'm going to share a couple, just because I can.)  =)

~ meeting new people

~ heights

~ the unknown

Step 11) Share a recent photo you took
The other day, Shane, a few friends and I went to town to take Shane's senior pics. 
'Twas fun, but REALLY cold! 

LOVE this one!
Holiday's coffee - gotta love it!

Have a superbly-fantabulous, wonderful Sunday night! =)


  1. Hahahahahahaha, the last is such a Charlie picture. =) Like Shane's seniro pics too. ^^
    I didn't know you didn't like meeting new people!

  2.'s complicated.....I do enjoy meeting new people, but I'm just shy, although most people don't believe me, (but it is true!) :P

  3. Nice pics!!! LOVE the one of Charlie!!! haha ;)
    Wow girl, if you're shy, you really hide it well! :D

  4. Ik! I love that kid! ;)
    (Yeah...well....the shyness kinda comes out if the other person is easy to talk to.:P I told you it was complicated.) =)

  5. hahahahaha OH Charlie :) That made me laugh! And I totally understand you about meeting new people - I'm just like is hard to explain, I know :)
    Love you!

  6. oh thank you Reeve!! At least I'm not the *only* one. :P
    love you too!
